From the American Cormo Sheep Association:

The Cormo Breed is a one-time crossing of Tasmanian stud Corriedale rams on 1200 selected superfine Saxon Merino ewes.  This was the beginning of the development of the Cormo breed.  The result — 1/4 Lincoln, 1/4 Australian Merino, and 1/2 Superfine Saxon Merino – is fast becoming one of the best wool producing breeds in the sheep industry today.

Cormo sheep were introduced into the United States in 1976 by Travis Jones who imported 12 bred ewes and 2 rams from I.K. Downie of Tasmania, Australia. Three years later Travis Jones along with K. Wissel of Colorado, H. Ortmann of Montana, E. Cohen of Colorado and N. Clark of Oregon imported from the flock of Downie: 47 ewes and 5 rams. From this beginning group all purebred Cormos sheep have been registered with the American Cormo Sheep Association.

For more information:

Local Farms with Cormo and Cormo Cross Sheep:

Green Mountain Romneys and Fine Wool Sheep.  Liz Willis

Liz has purebred  Cormo, Romney, Blueface Liecester and various crosses.